Collection: Melanie Luna

Melanie Luna (b. 1997, Santiago, Dominican Republic), relocated to New York in her early years, and has lived the majority of her young adult life in the Bronx, NY. She currently lives and works in Brooklyn, focusing on creating images that bear witness to the plight of the human experience, which has rapidly amplified over the course of the artist’s existence. Melanie earned her BFA at Pratt University, and is also a Yale Norfolk graduate. Luna presented her first solo exhibition at TU AMOR FUEGO, Puerto Rico, in 2021. She was featured in the group show Hereditary, curated by Emmanuel Massillon, A Land of All Possibles at Trotter&Scholer, and The Cowboys Made Me Cry at Swivel Saugerties. Luna will be featured in a group exhibition at Tripoli Gallery, Wainscott, NY.